Clicks Per Second
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30 Second

In this technology era, we use our mouse and keyboard most for different purposes such as gaming, typing, studying. When it comes to the keyboard, the spacebar is the most used key. Spacebar is used eventually after every word to type space. Most online jumping and shooting games use the spacebar as a control key. Hence, in this time, your spacebar speed matters the most. The quick you hit the space key, the more efficient you become.

Using this spacebar clicker (30-second mode), you can improve your spacebar tapping speed in a few days. But remember to practice daily. Set daily targets and try to achieve them. While playing on this mode, try to click the spacebar in the first interval (15 seconds) as much as possible. Doing so will give you extra time to score more.

This mode is for those who have passed the beginner level and are willing to develop more. Playing in this mode is not much easy also not much difficult. This mode is much comfortable for intermediate to use. Remember, 30 seconds may seem easy to pass, but it becomes hard as time moves on. It is because as time moves on, it becomes hard for thumbs to keep tapping the spacebar. Continuous tapping for a long time may cause severe pain. Hence, ensure safe practice.

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